Beyond Networking: The Deep Bonds Formed in a Coliving Environment

Picture this: a vibrant, communal living space buzzing with innovative, socially-conscious individuals, each leading their independent lives yet consciously interweaving their personal narratives into a shared tapestry. 

Welcome to a coliving, a new kind of space that's garnered considerable attention in Valencia and other cities around the world. It's a term we've all heard, but what does it really mean? 

To the uninitiated, it might seem like just a hip name for a glorified shared flat, a networking hotspot, or a refuge for those seeking a budget-friendly lifestyle. But scratch beneath the surface, and you'll find a deeper, more profound reality. Beneath the veil of career development and networking, coliving fosters an environment of deep connections and lasting relationships that draw parallels to timeless philosophical wisdom about human connections. Strap in because we're going on a journey beyond the networking veneer.

A Philosophical Perspective: Decoding Human Bonds

Roll back to ancient Greece, where Aristotle spent his time pondering friendship –among many other things–. He divided it into three types: utility, pleasure, and virtue friendships. 'Philia', as he coined it, was the highest form of friendship - not built on what you can get out of it or the fun you can have, but on mutual respect and shared goodness. Fast-forward to the 21st century, and you'll see this concept come alive within the confines of a coliving space.

Aristotle also tossed the idea of 'koinonia' or community, a concept where individuals come together to contribute to a shared life, offering mutual recognition and respect. This concept is the lifeblood of coliving spaces, echoing through their hallways and communal areas, resonating in the shared life experiences of the residents.

Unmasking Coliving: Beyond the Networking Facade

As fresh faces step into a coliving space, the initial draw is often the appeal of networking. Conversations around career paths, projects, and potential collaborations form a substantial part of early interactions.

Dinners become impromptu networking sessions, social areas turn into dynamic brainstorming hubs, and residents often find themselves exchanging social media handles or LinkedIn profiles, forming the beginnings of a professional network.

But as weeks roll into months, a shift begins to occur. Relationships deepen, and conversations grow richer, extending beyond work. Shared dreams, life experiences, triumphs, and the inevitable epic fail stories everyone loves to share become conversation fodder, bringing residents closer. Here, within the vibrant walls of a coliving space, the seeds of 'philia' are planted.

The Making of Deep Bonds in Coliving: A Confluence of Factors

But what stirs this shift from surface networking to deep bonding? What unique elements in a coliving setting foster profound relationships? The answer lies in a harmonious blend of shared experiences, collaboration, and open communication.

Life in a coliving space is a shared journey. These spaces are the theaters of life where mundane and extraordinary daily experiences are shared. Morning coffee rituals, shared meals, late-night intellectual debates, weekend getaways – every shared experience, no matter how trivial, adds another thread to the intricate web of interpersonal bonds. Over time, these shared experiences weave a rich tapestry of relationships, a communal narrative where each resident is an essential character.

Collaboration, a cornerstone of community-based living, extends beyond the professional realm. Cooking together, organizing movie nights, planning hiking trips – every collaborative event is an opportunity to deepen connections and reinforce the sense of community. As residents pool their skills and resources together, the bonds of mutual support and shared achievement strengthen, laying the foundation for deep, lasting relationships.

Lastly, it may sound like a no-brainer, but respectful and open dialogue is the lynchpin that holds everything together. An environment that encourages open communication, respectful disagreement, and mutual problem-solving provides a fertile ground for deep connections to take root and flourish.

The Impact of Deep Bonds in a Coliving Environment

The profound connections fostered within coliving spaces have tangible and intangible impacts. They weave a safety net of emotional support, promoting better mental health and overall well-being. Residents find in each other a sympathetic ear, a shoulder to lean on, and a comforting presence - invaluable assets in today's fast-paced, often impersonal world.

Furthermore, these bonds create a dynamic, creative environment conducive to personal and professional growth. Imagine having a resident designer provide feedback on your website, a coder help you troubleshoot a software glitch, or a fellow entrepreneur brainstorm marketing strategies with you. These are the bonds that don't just add a line to your contact list; they add value to your life and career.

Perhaps most importantly, these deep connections foster a sense of belonging, a feeling of being part of a community. They transform a coliving space from a shared living arrangement into a home, a close-knit family, bound not by blood but by shared experiences, mutual respect, and 'philia'.


So, let's reconsider coliving. It's more than just a modern housing solution or a networking opportunity. It's a 21st-century 'koinonia' that fosters' philia' - deep, meaningful relationships that go beyond professional networking. These spaces don't just provide a roof over your head; they provide a community to grow with, to learn from, and to belong to.

So next time you're contemplating coliving in Valencia, think beyond networking. Envision the meaningful relationships you'll build, the shared experiences you'll treasure, and the profound bonds that will shape your life. Coliving isn't about finding a place to live; it's about finding a community that lives, laughs, and learns together. And as you navigate the world of coliving in Valencia, remember: we're all just walking each other home.


Rediscovering Communal Living: A Deep Dive into Coliving in Spain


Valencia - A City of Well-being